
小时 & 位置

我们小时 (任何关闭将显示在 红色的 下图) 


地点: 洛克希尔路5100号,科克费尔大厅004室 (Cockefair大厅地下室)

电话: 816.235.1491
电子邮件: 莫里·布朗(

考试扫描申请表: 可下载 在这里



Scanning services are provided for UMKC faculty and staff for purposes such as the scoring of multiple-choice "bubble-sheet" tests, 成绩报告, 课程评价处理, 以及调查/问卷的数据处理. 可以购买UMKC课程考试的泡泡表 每包500张从扫描处领取. Bubble-sheets may be dropped off for processing at any time during the normal office hours; no appointment is necessary.

下载一个 测试扫描申请表 或者一个 问卷/评估申请表.


Receive 电子邮件 announcements about Scanning Office closings, extended hours, 等. 通过订阅UMKC光学扫描公告列表 在这里. 你可以随时从名单中退订.

Use of Information Service's optical scanner can greatly speed the processing of data collected on NCS scan sheets and can drastically improve the accuracy of data transcription.

T在这里 are a few basic suggestions that those who wish to use the optical scanner for data collection should bear in mind: 

  • Whenever possible, it is best to use one of the standard, supported scan sheet forms. 定制设计的表单会给您的项目增加额外的时间和成本.
  • Be sure to allow enough time for developing the questions and for collecting the data.
  • 问题要简单. Try to avoid answers that respondents might find ambiguous or indistinct from each other.
  • 对于大型项目,考虑先运行一个小型试点项目. 这允许您定位和修复可能出现的问题 之前 主要项目进行得太过火了.
  • 控制输入到工作表中的数据. Provide clear instructions and a proctor whenever possible to oversee the process. Make sure that a #2 lead pencil is used and that the response bubbles are completely filled. 在提交纸张进行扫描之前,必须擦去杂散的标记, 或者扫描仪可以将污迹或杂迹解释为问题回答.
  • 填好表格后, arrange all the forms such that they are aligned and facing the same direction.
  • 保护表格免受污垢,水,高湿度,折叠,撕裂等. Folded, torn, or otherwise mutilated sheets may not be readable by the scanner.
  • 留出足够的时间扫描表格. The scanner is used for many applications other than data scanning (test scoring, 成绩报告, 等.) and some of these applications carry a high priority in the support of University business. Additionally, the staff that operate the scanner also operate other production computer equipment. It is recommended that you call 235-1491 well in advance of your deadline to verify availability and to establish a mutually acceptable schedule. 
  • The result of scanning the sheets is a data file copied onto a diskette you provide and a standard report that gives basic statistical information. The raw data file can be used with statistical analysis or spreadsheet software to create a customized report. 自定义报告“不是”正常表单扫描服务的一部分. 请在项目早期回顾您的需求和选择. 如果需要“自定义”报告, then make sure that you have arranged for these at an early stage in the project.



  • Orange answer sheets have a maximum capacity for 200 questions and up to five answer choices per question.
  • Students may suppress their identification number and score from appearing on a publicly viewed report by filling in the field provided on the answer sheet.


  • Green answer sheets have a maximum capacity for 120 questions and up to ten answer choices per question.
  • Students may suppress their identification number and score from appearing on a publicly viewed report by darkening in the bubble in the 10th position (column J) of the identification number.

橙色和绿色床单 不能 混合.



名称: 代码 万能钥匙, with the bubbles corresponding to the appropriate letters and spaces filled in.

身份证号码: 使用值'999999999' on both the orange and green answer sheets and fill in the corresponding bubbles.

测试的答案: 每个问题必须有正确的回答气泡填写, 除了跳过的问题. 跳过问题: 如果老师想跳过某个问题, she or he must leave the response bubbles for that particular question blank on the answer key.

得分: Exam questions may be given any point values, including decimals of up to 3 places. 除非特别说明,每道题得1分. 您可以为不同的问题指定不同的分值. For example: questions 1-25 may be worth 2 points each and questions 25-30 worth 3 points each.



  • 一个问题的多个回答可以获得全部或部分学分.
  • 问题可以跳过(不计分).
  • Multiple responses f或者一个 question can be requi红色的 for full c红色的it (please contact the scanning office for details 之前 giving the exam).

Please provide details in the Special Instructions section on your exam scan request form.


名称: 学生姓名不需要填写. 如果不使用姓名,则必须为每个学生使用唯一的ID号码.

身份证号码: 考卷可以在没有身份证号码的情况下进行评分. 每张答题纸的识别码必须是唯一的. In accordance to the Buckley Amendment of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, this value must not identify the specific student with any reasonable certainty. 信息服务 recommends a numbering system that is known only by the instruct或者一个nd each individual student. 标识号部分的每一列都应该给出一个值. No two score sheets within a given test group can use the same identification number.

测试的答案: Unless otherwise specified in scoring instructions, only one answer per question may be selected. 如果一个以上的空格被填满,问题将被视为不正确.



该报告以电子表格和PDF格式提供. 它列出了学生的身份证号码和姓名,以及百分比分数和原始分数.

This report displays a histogram indicating the frequency distribution of scores.

This report contains a table with a row for each student, indicating their response to each question.

This report displays the frequencies and percentages of students who selected each response to each question. The Item Analysis report is useful for determining the performance on each question.

这份报告提供了打分问题的数量, 可能点的数量, 考试的最低和最高分数, 平均评分, 标准偏差, 以及库德-理查森统计数据.

为每个学生生成一个单独的页面, 详细说明他们对每个问题的选择, 每道题的得分, 以及总百分比和原始分数. This report is useful for printing and handing out to students or viewing a record containing only one student’s performance on the test.


The exam scoring software can be configu红色的 to provide many different types of reports. 如果您需要标准报告中没有提供的考试信息, 或者以不同的格式报告, 等.,请到扫描处查询.


报告以印刷和/或电子格式提供. 电子文件将发送到您的UMKC电子邮件地址. 

如果您对考试扫描/评分过程有任何疑问, 请致电235-1491或透过 电子邮件.

绿色扫描表 橙色扫描表



如需订购,请使用 扫描表格订购表格. 表格本身提供了完整的说明. 

完成的表格的扫描由 信息访问 光扫描业务.